The Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS) is collecting data about land subsidence and sinkholes in our state. Subsidence and sinkholes are places where land appears to be caving in, and can occur for a variety of reasons. They may appear as small or large depressions, under roads or sidewalks, or in vegetated areas.
The OGS is collecting data about where this occurs in Oklahoma to better understand this hazard.
All you need to do is tell us a bit about subsidence that you've seen, either on your land, or around the area where you live. This form will take just a few minutes to complete.
Thank you for your contributions!
EXAMPLE: This image shows a sinkhole in a grassy field. 
Sinkhole ex1

Is there vegetation in or around the area? (check all that apply)
Put your ear close to the area. Do you hear moving water?
Is the shifting happening slowly or quickly? It may be happening quickly if you notice changes over short periods of time. If it has looked the same for a long time, it is probably happening slowly.
Does the shifting seem to still be occurring or has it stopped?

If possible, please upload a photo of the sinkhole. It can be helpful to have a person or meter stick in the image for scale.