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In years, how old are you?
What is your gender?
Non-binary / third gender
Prefer not to say
Have you ever used a meal prep program (Blue Apron, Factor, etc)? If yes, please list what you have tried or currently use.
Of the following, what would you say you feel your cooking skill is at?
None, Beginner, Intermediate, Expert (Expert meaning you would be comfortable cooking for a holiday or large amount of guests in a social setting)
In days, how often do you cook at home each week?
How many meals a day do you make?
How often do you order food/eat out in a month?
How often do you feel influenced by friends/family (socially) to eat out each month?
How often do you cook at home for friends/family (socially) each month?
How much do you feel you spend on groceries each month?
How much do you feel you spend on ordering food/eating out each month?
If you pay a premium for delivery services (Dash Pass, Uber One, etc.), how much do you pay each month?
What is the most you have spent on one meal for ordering/eating out (including tip, fees, etc.)?
What is the most you have spent on one week of groceries (include delivery fees, tips, etc if applicable)?
What is the lowest amount of funds in your bank account where you would still be comfortable ordering food/eating out?
What is the lowest amount of funds in your bank account where you would be more inclined to cook at home rather than order food/eat out?
When you order food through a delivery service, do you factor in a percentage for tip and if so, what percent?
When you order food, what percentage would you say you choose healthier options that include fruits and vegetables vs something greasy?
When you cook at home, what percentage would you say you ensure healthier options are a part of your meal such as fruits and vegetables?
When cooking at home, what percentage do you estimate you utilize a recipe (written, verbal, etc.) vs throwing some things together?
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